Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I've been making potatoes- art and imagination!

When Lloyd came over recently he asked what have I been doing?
He didn't mean work (accounting, share trading, writing technical documents, and constant internet learning)

He meant in the miniature world of models, doll making, film making, photos and everything creative associated with that..

I had some smirks on the kitchen bench, two future duck ponds made from paint and glue, and some straw baskets with tiny handles. These were made from the straw from a recycled straw hat, cut and glued onto wood shingles. 3cms by 1.5 cms. (about 1 1/2 inches by 3/4 inch)
One straw basket was filled with fimo fruit. Carrots, cabbage, and other vegetables.

There was also a plate of fried eggs, which I explained needed a touch of yellow nail polish because the yokes were too orangey..

But what I wanted to show him was the fimo potatoes. Tiny, cut in pieces with skin on, and placed in a miniature bronzed baking tray. He seemed to approve of them. He is a bit of a perfectionist.
You can see how to make these potatoes in the video bar right at the bottom of the page.
It's worth watching. Enjoy what you do, and do what you enjoy!
from Meg at Http://