Someone asked about making wigs or hair for dolls. I have posted a picture of ringlets. These can be curly or not and can be tied back or put into plaits. I think it's best to glue the hair onto a coin size piece of fabric, rather than onto the doll. You can have fun changing the wigs, and photographing them in different colours and styles.
One tip I'd like to pass on, is to buy your stamps at the post office with the serrated surrounds not overprinted. A quick glance at the sticky serrated surrounds to the stamps, will show if there is any colour on them. When you remove the stamps, keep the surrounds and use them as mini picture mounts for your dolls house pictures. you can either paint a picture, cut out a tiny image from a magazine or print an image at a reduced %.. (about 10% works well).
You can also scan an image and print it onto a clear transparent label film. (The pack says to use it to make jam labels.) This will create a leadlight or stained glass appearance. When you place the sticker on the glass window, make sure you position it correctly! Draw a level line first in pencil.
I been enjoying making some peg dolls. (Another diversion from share trading, accountancy, housework and DVD editing!) I wanted to do some for the Xmas tree and the dolls house(s).
I found if you drill a hole at the armpit, and insert a piece of pipecleaner for arms, they look so much better. (all girls have a power drill, don't they?) You can buy the pipecleaners in various colours at craft and cheap dollar shops. Make sure you make a bend at the doll elbow and match the pipecleaner colour to the dress. Slightly longer arms are best, because they can be raised overhead or can carry a posie or basket. Use Nail polish to paint the edges of the fabric to avoid fraying, and craft glue to attach bows and pearl necklaces!
Don't forget to sign your peg dolls with your name and year. One day they might be an heirloom or a collectible. Someone will want to know who made them.
I also made two Raggy dolls, pictured above on the armchair. I made the heads in fimo and baked them in the microwave. They have raggy elasticated arms and legs. I have some video of my real dolls (children), playing with an 18" (50 cm) doll with two faces. The legs and arms are elastised, so I made these two as 1:12 size. I cut off some of the fabric on the big doll to make the bodies, so they will look very similar. One day I will make the video sequence linking both.
I've done some more of the cooking video with my actors. Sometimes it's like mission impossible to get a few minutes of usable footage, but I'm getting there! I'm trying to link the real children and the dolls -cooking and having fun!
Enjoy what you do, and you will be happy!- at least some of the time!
Hobbies might be an escape, but they do rest the mind.
In today's world, our minds do need some recreation and rest.
kind regards,