Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Compare the 2 images and see the digital Magic!

We've just added two images for you to compare to see how Lloyd of Vi Image can digitally improve your doll photos.

The Katie doll dirty face shows dust on the doll's face, while the digitally improved one shows work on the whites of the eyes, the lips redefined, the teeth, and even improved shadows on the left of the nose and on left inner eye.

The work done is barely discernible, but that is the magic!
That is proof of what Vi Image can do.
The top view looks so much better!

And here the Bonus..
We have a special low price for MOTHERS' DAY...a low price and a freebie mystery bonus!
if you send your photo now we can complete the transformation and return before the 5th May.. allowing you time to print copies at the photo shop near you. contact us at
Prices are: For ONE MONTH ONLY we will give you a 50% discount. A saving of $10.00. ($20.00 fee for a standard photo, now with discount..only $10.00) If your photo needs more than one hour's work we will advise the hourly rate at the same discount.
We help you to Enjoy your little treasures!